Thursday 8 November 2012

Why You Should You Add Movie Producer To Your Resume

When looking for a job and putting out resumes do we include movie producer? The answer is probably 'no', but I ask you why? Or rather 'why not?' Whatever we live in our life now is an effect of the movies we play in our mind. Thoughts happen so quickly we may not realize it but if we were to slow down just a bit we could catch a glimpse of the next segment. We cannot have something happen that we did not somehow imagine. I know, because I was there. If your thoughts are gloomy your life will be too. If your thoughts are of pleasantries your life will exhibit these qualities. It's really that simple. This is not to say life is not going to give you a shot to the head every once in a while. This is not about fluffy delusional thinking. I spent most of my life living in fear. Fear of everything. You wouldn't know it because I always appeared to have it all together but every once in a while you could catch of glimpse of my self defeating behavior. Heck there were times I would be really happy for no reason and stop dead in my tracks and cultivate something in my mind to take the happiness away. I was so scared of the 'fall' I figured it was easier to simply just stay mediocre in negative thinking. I always felt like the rug was going to be pulled out from underneath me and if I went up too high (spirits) the fall would break me, and don't you worry there WILL be a fall! These are the thoughts that lead to a cycle of self destruction. These thoughts become the movie. As long as it plays out, you are the producer. You created this masterpiece. Good or bad it is all yours, baby. You get to sleep with it at night, carry it around all day, just like an Oscar. It may not be award winning but it's all yours. No one else can take credit for this movie you play out in your head cause you are the only one that lives in there. Oh but you say... my mothers voice echos in my head all the time. Fair enough. So does mine. Thing is your mother is not in your head literally writing the thoughts you are about to think. If she is in there and you want her out, tell her to get out! Tell her to shut up. I don't care what you tell the voice of doom but if you don't like the movies you are making write a new script! Let me share a really simple example that took me a long time to understand myself. Many years ago I got divorced. I was now a single mother of 3, mortgage, car payment, etc etc. Couple that with living in fear of everything, if anything 'bad' happened it was catastrophic in my mind.

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