Thursday 8 November 2012

What Movie Script Writers Should Know

For many the thought of becoming movie script writers is a dream. However, few manage to become famous movie script writers who have success writing scripts for movies filmed in Hollywood. For those who do make it, what is their secret? This is a question that actually has a very basic answer. Millions of talented people write amazing scripts, but this doesn't mean it is everything they need in order to start making money with their talent. This field is an extremely complicated one, and there are numerous details to take into account. In fact, it is the enormous number of small details that make script writing such a complicated thing. What you should know What those who want to become movie script writers should know is the fact that even though they are the ones who choose the topic for the screenplay you need more than a good story. A lot of talent and skill is needed to put the ideas down on paper. All movie script writers should know that this industry is a harsh one filled with fierce competition. Even though a writer may have amazing ideas for a script, it must be written following proper movie script format and standards. Since a script is going to be translated to the screen, its format is completely different from a literary writing. The movie script must be easy to visualize, written as if the director is not able to visualize it. If not, there will be problems.

Seven Must See Movies for Company Commanders

You can learn a lot of helpful military leadership lessons by watching movies. As a military leader, you can study military movies to learn new leadership skills, study tactics, and study military history. It's fun, entertaining, inexpensive, and easy to do. For the purpose of this article, I want to share some of my favorite movies that will benefit aspiring and current Company Commanders. Let's get started. 1. Band of Brothers: This HBO Series is a timeless classic of the men of the 101st Airborne Division during WW2. You will follow Easy Company, led by Dick Winters and other leaders. This series covers tactics, the art of war, military leadership and so much more. This is without a doubt my favorite military movie of all time. 2. Saving Private Ryan: This is another great WW2 movie, starring Tom Hanks, a Company Commander in the Army Rangers. You will learn about leading men, suffering casualties, overcoming obstacles and so much more. 3. Once an Eagle: This is a great book and movie. The movies stars Sam Damon and covers one man's journey through several wars as an enlisted man and officer. 4. The Lost Battalion: This is a documentary of the 308th Infantry Battalion of the 77th Division during WW1. In this movie, the Germans offer the Americans the opportunity to surrender or die. Instead, the Americans choose to attack. This is a great leadership movie. 5. Starship Troopers: This is one of my all time favorite books and movies. Starship Troopers is much more than a science fiction movie. This movie covers "principles" regarding men and soldiers. 6. We Were Soldiers: This is a great movie about the first major battle of the Vietnam War. This movie stars Mel Gibson and shows how a greatly outnumbered battalion wins a battle. There are great tactics and leadership lessons in this movie. 7. The Hurt Locker: While many critics don't enjoy this movie, I do. I think there are many helpful lessons about stress, the emotional effects of war, and the craziness of war. Whether you like the movie yourself or not, there are some very valuable lessons to be learned from it. In summary, these are my seven favorite military movies for Company Commanders. Whether you have already taken Company Command, or will so in the future, I recommend you sit down and watch these movies. Take notes. Study what you learn and share the lessons with some of your peers and subordinates. The lessons you learn will develop your leadership skills and make you a better Commander.

3 Ways to Bring Your Movie Closer to the Big Screen

For script writers, movies exist everywhere. And by 'everywhere' I actually mean that literally. Devoted script writers tend to create movie scenes pretty much all the time and in any situation. From the little things, like the smell of fresh bread roaming out of the corner bakery, to the big things, like social movements and global affairs, a writer can be inspired by almost anything. But exactly does one do with an inspired idea? Writing a screenplay is a long and dedicated task, and even the greatest ideas in your head might not translate to the page. For example, a fantastic beginning won't necessarily culminate in a coherent ending. Writing a screenplay requires a lot of forethought and preparation. You need a basic understanding of how acts, scenes and sequences work. You also need strong characters that learn and grow over the course of the story. You need to integrate a degree of sympathy and respect for your audience. You need believable dialogue. You need setting descriptions and fact checking. You need every line on every page to be better than anyone would expect.

How To Make Your Own Movie - Writing The Right Script

WRITING IT YOURSELF Though there certainly are exceptions to this rule, it is considered good operating practice to refrain from writing the script yourself. There is such a thing as being "too close" to a project, and this is an easy way to do it. Many people consider the film-making process to be the essence of reinterpretation between words and images. If both parts of the process are yours, this can become confused, and that confusion will appear on screen. Be careful not to fall in love with your own words. It's far easier to pick dialog (and discard the rest) when it's written by someone else and there's no personal investment. A beautiful line is of no use to you if it doesn't move the story forward. Screen writing is, to some extent, minimalist, so you can expect to make some significant cuts from what you've written in the process of getting it down to a shootable script. If you do choose to do the writing yourself, you will at least have the advantage of being able to pen it according to your strengths. For instance, if you live somewhere with lots of space to shoot near ship-yards, you can set your tale near a wharf - that wouldn't work nearly as well in a land-locked area. You can also make allowances and plot twists that you'll be able to work around without spending extra money. In short, you can start with the ideal script. One way that many directors choose to start is to make a series of note cards that generally block out scenes and ideas. There's no need to actually put down dialog in such cards unless you have a good idea as to a key catchphrase you want to use. Otherwise, these will serve as your road-map to be knit together later, either by going directly to a script or to storyboards from which the actual script will be crafted from.

How to Write a Movie Review?

n website content writing, writing movie reviews can be fun. We all love to watch movies and sometimes we want to know what other's opinions are about a particular movie before deciding whether to watch the movie or not. Therefore article writing about a film you watched will help others to make a decision. Let's discuss some tips to write a good movie review. All of us have diverse opinions about a film. Article writing a review gives you a way to express your opinion and also helps others to know about the same. Before you start content writing about a movie, you need to watch it. You can either watch these movies online or rent a DVD or visit your nearest multiplex. There are many websites that allow streaming of movies online. Once your movie is chosen, getting acquainted with the theme of the movie is very important. Go online and gather some information about the actors in the movie. Check out their previous and upcoming works, whether they have any awards to their name, do they expertise in a particular style of acting, etc. also in content writing, it is important to read about the movie that you have chosen. Read what the movie is all about, whether it is sequel or a remake, the rest of the cast and crew, etc. This information will help you to compare the performance of the cast and crew in the movie of your choice to their earlier work. This is important as it will provide more

Why You Should You Add Movie Producer To Your Resume

When looking for a job and putting out resumes do we include movie producer? The answer is probably 'no', but I ask you why? Or rather 'why not?' Whatever we live in our life now is an effect of the movies we play in our mind. Thoughts happen so quickly we may not realize it but if we were to slow down just a bit we could catch a glimpse of the next segment. We cannot have something happen that we did not somehow imagine. I know, because I was there. If your thoughts are gloomy your life will be too. If your thoughts are of pleasantries your life will exhibit these qualities. It's really that simple. This is not to say life is not going to give you a shot to the head every once in a while. This is not about fluffy delusional thinking. I spent most of my life living in fear. Fear of everything. You wouldn't know it because I always appeared to have it all together but every once in a while you could catch of glimpse of my self defeating behavior. Heck there were times I would be really happy for no reason and stop dead in my tracks and cultivate something in my mind to take the happiness away. I was so scared of the 'fall' I figured it was easier to simply just stay mediocre in negative thinking. I always felt like the rug was going to be pulled out from underneath me and if I went up too high (spirits) the fall would break me, and don't you worry there WILL be a fall! These are the thoughts that lead to a cycle of self destruction. These thoughts become the movie. As long as it plays out, you are the producer. You created this masterpiece. Good or bad it is all yours, baby. You get to sleep with it at night, carry it around all day, just like an Oscar. It may not be award winning but it's all yours. No one else can take credit for this movie you play out in your head cause you are the only one that lives in there. Oh but you say... my mothers voice echos in my head all the time. Fair enough. So does mine. Thing is your mother is not in your head literally writing the thoughts you are about to think. If she is in there and you want her out, tell her to get out! Tell her to shut up. I don't care what you tell the voice of doom but if you don't like the movies you are making write a new script! Let me share a really simple example that took me a long time to understand myself. Many years ago I got divorced. I was now a single mother of 3, mortgage, car payment, etc etc. Couple that with living in fear of everything, if anything 'bad' happened it was catastrophic in my mind.

Movie Review: "The Other Dream Team"

Rating: Unrated Length: 89 minutes Release date: Sept. 28, 2012 Directed by: Marius A. Markevičius Genre: Documentary "The Other Dream Team" documentary focuses on the significance of the Lithuanian basketball community to that country when it was going through turbulent times. After the collapse of communism, Lithuania was faced with serious socio-economic problems. Lithuania's basketball team debut in the 1992 Olympics proved to be a unifying and comforting factor that helped to hold the country together and boosted national morale and pride. The movie begins at the 1988 Olympics, when the USSR triumphed over the United States to win the coveted gold medal in basketball. The USSR team was successful mainly because of its inclusion of four Lithuanian basketball players. These four talented players were Arvydas Sabonis, Rimas Kurtinaitis, ŠarÅ«nas Marčiulionis, and Valdemaras Chomičius. This was the first time the four basketball stars were playing at an international level, and they thoroughly enjoyed it. Still, they wanted to play and win for their own country and not for the USSR.

Here Comes The Boom Movie Review

By moonlighting as a Mixed Martial Arts fighter to save his school's music program, no one will fight for his students like biology teacher Scott Voss (played by comedic actor Kevin James) or so says the tagline in the newest movie release: Here Comes The Boom. The story begins with another ordinary day in which Biology teacher Scott Voss oversleeps again and has to rush to his job and is late as usual. You get the sense that he is very uninspired. Shortly after during a staff meeting which announces some budgetary cuts namely the Music Department as well as the music teacher himself (Played by the cool Henry Winkler) losing his tenure, Scott decides to raise money from an unlikely source in order to save the music program and his friend's job. Just what is that unlikely source you may ask: The world of Mixed Martial Arts. In the midst of his nighttime gig in which he prepares immigrants for citizenship in America, Scott befriends Niko, who happens to be a retired MMA fighter (Played by mixed martial arts legend Bas Rutten) and while watching some fights gets an idea to raise the funds by training and fighting all the while expecting to lose for the most part however even losing could raise the funds that the school desperately needs. After convincing getting Niko to help him train for some upcoming fights in the MMA underground circuit everything seems to go according to plan with a win here a loss there with more of the former.

Survival Movies - The Cream of the Crop and Those That Didn't Shine

Survival Movies, Best to the Worst! The popularity of survival movies has really grown over the past couple of years. I have rated these movies in three different categories. The categories are: realisticness, survival value and entertainment factor. Each of these is on a A - F Grading Scale with A being best and F being worst. These ratings are all based on my opinion so you may not feel the same. Waterworld - Realisticness - D Survival Value - D Entertainment factor - C+ The Earth is now filled with water, but some people believe there is still dry land on the earth. This is one of the many survival movies about the fight over resources. As in many movies, this is a fight between the protagonist (Kevin Costner) and the antagonist (Dennis Hopper) and his cronies (called the smokers). This movie is fun to

The Dark Knight Rises - Movie Review

The Dark Knight Rises has been without a doubt, my most anticipated movie of the year. I am a huge superhero movie fan but lately with movies like The Avengers and The Amazing Spider-Man, I felt quite let down, disappointed and frustrated. TDKR, however, lived up to its expectations by completing the completing the "Batman Trilogy" in an epic way. Here are my top 5 reasons the movie was spectacular. #1. The action The action was just simply brilliant. Similar to Christopher Nolan's Inception, the action created intense suspense and it was REAL. Bane's fight scenes with Batman were incredible and in some cases jaw dropping. The anticipated and cringing "Back break" was brutal and almost brought tears to my eyes - which makes it very emotional. Contrary to some reviews, I think the movie was very interactive and made connections with the audience/fans. #2. Cast I have to admit, I wasn't so sure about Anne Hathaway's performance as Catwoman she made a believer out of me with her cute innocent but seductive and sly character. Michael Caine as Alfred, Gary Oldman as Commission Gordon, Joseph Gordon Levitte as Blake (who by the way is foreshadowed as Robin) and of course Tom Hardy as Bane were excellent. They really added flair to the movie and intensified Batman's (Christian Bale) character. It seemed they just clicked. On a personal note, I really dislike Marion Cotillard (Miranda Tate / Talia al Ghul) just as I did in Inception.

Bollywood DVDs - The Smart Way of Watching Movies

The Indian Film Industry came into being on July 7, 1896 in Mumbai, when a short film by the Lumiere brothers was shown. Since then it has played a significant role in people`s lives. The popularity that Bollywood has in India is a big evidence of the fact that India is undoubtedly a land of cinema loving people. It would not be wrong to say that Bollywood has touched the life of every Indian in one way or the other. Many times people start finding the relevance of a movie in their own life. What does it all remind you of? This leads to the thought of long queues of people that are seen standing outside a movie theater for tickets. Apart from being the biggest entertainment industry in India, Bollywood is also a very big employment producer. It is a huge industry and plays a significant role in the country's growing economy.

Relation Between the Industry and Movie Reviews

The films that are being released every year indicates the changing trends in the movie industry, especially as these trends are related to what a movie review tells us. Popular trends include sequels, movies that continue the story for ever. Films released recently do not generally make for good sequels. Sequels are even made of films that were released long ago. Website content writing for such movies becomes a lot more difficult as you have to go through a lot of history and details before you can actually start content writing for a movie. There is an accepted trend in making movies out of popular cartoons, comics, history and literary works. Major film industries aren't letting go of the chance to cash in on the popularity of best selling graphic novels and turning them into successful films. In website content writing, movie critics will also have to flow with the trend. They will also have to go through the book or the novel before they see the movie. This will give them a better idea about how the movie was made in context of the book or the novel. Content writing for such movies is really a taxing affair.

Movie Script Writers

Advice for aspiring movie script writers will help them get started writing. Tips will help movie script writers to stay ahead in the fiercely competitive struggle - an accepted norm in the film industry. The world loves movies. Watching motion pictures is America's number one pastime. In order to live up to the expectations of the population, script writers have to make extra efforts, get through the doors of Hollywood, strive to be one among the "who's who', attend premieres, parties, and write award winning screenplays. Sounds too silky or only like a pipe dream? All this can be yours if you take a few minutes to muse over where you want to head, why, how and when. You are the creator of your destiny. Have all the trump cards up your sleeve and pack your bags to go places! A few words of caution though. What matters more than your qualification is the quality of your creative work. Movie script writers should know that certification from a respectful institution may be indicative of your ability and encourage the executives to consider your submission.

5 Hot Romantic Movies to Enjoy With Your Long Distance Love

Watching romantic movies with your loved one while cuddling and eating delicious snacks is always a fun activity for a relaxed evening. But when you're in a long distance relationship, that's a different story... Chances are, you haven't seen your partner in weeks or even months. So you deeply miss the feeling of holding their hands and sensing their touch. But there is good news for you... Missing your loved one so much and longing for a kiss or a hug, brings you this unique special sensation that other couple who are always together miss out or take for granted. So even though you may not get the chance to cuddle on the couch together tonight, you can watch one of the inspiring romantic movies below that will bring you a sweet smile, while feeling warm and loved inside.

The Reaper - Movie Review

"Whatsoever a man soweth, that he shall also reap" is a popular English idiom originally from Epistles to the Galatians of the Bible. The central theme and the very message of the movie was centered on the Biblical story found in Exodus. This is when the Pharaoh of Egypt was made obdurate by God Himself by not letting the Israelites be freed from slavery. The ten plagues presented in the Bible that were brought down to Egypt by Moses are the same plagues depicted in the movie, i.e. from the first plague of the river turning to blood to the death of the first born sons and daughters of the locals. But it is worthy to note that the last plague was not brought about by the unseen supernatural force as all the others. Instead, the group members of the cult of the land were the ones killing their own. Also, unlike in the Bible, the second born children were the ones sacrificed instead of the first born. This is clearly so as to put an element of a Hollywood tinge on the movie and not be a copy cat of what's in the Bible (which admittedly would have made the movie less exciting or plain boring). Effectively, the tenth plague was made the climax of the movie. Tension was built up little by little with each plague unfolding and peaked at the last plague holding the viewers momentarily confused by deviating from what was expected (death of second born instead of first born). And then here comes the vision shared by the child Loren to Katherine where she was about to be killed for being a second born but miraculously survived after being stabbed by her brother. At the time of being momentarily dazed, the viewers are fired with explanations as to why was Katherine chosen to be in that town at such crucial time. She was, in the past, an ordained minister.

Collecting Vintage Movies Posters - Best Hobby

Are you searching new hobby for you to do in spare time? Here you discover the coolest hobby ever. Yes, I am talking about a hobby of collecting vintage movie posters. This hobby can be the best act to invest your spare money and decorating your rack with colorful and bold movie posters. Particularly, if you love classic movies, it would be most entertaining or you. Old movies were classy and meaningful. They had characteristics and qualities of their own. Even, today, they are loved and watched repeatedly. Their outclass quality has made plenty of people, from today's generation, their passionate viewers. If you are one of them, make a collection of awesome posters. First question, which certainly comes in every reader's mind, is how to get these posters. As, you know, old stuff is never accessible easily. They are limitedly available on some specific stores. Some possible ways of getting these posters are internet stores and shopping websites. Some websites like eBay and Amazon contain a huge variety if them. Other online stores on the internet also possess them. You can search and grab them at reasonable prices. Due to immensely growing demand of these posters, the number of customers willing to pay for them is increasing. This fact has produced a sense of great competition among the on-line retailers. Every online store owner tends to keep the newest variety. This, somehow, has affected the prices of these posters as well. Every dealer tries to set most convenient prices so that he could get maximum customers. This competitive environment has facilitated the posters' collectors in a reasonable way. They can find newest and innovative designed vintage movie posters as inexpensive and affordable rates. Therefore, when you are out to find some exceptional movie posters, never make a purchase from the first shop you come.